Contact Us

If you see something that you like or would like to know more about please feel free to email me at

We will do our best to answer any questions that you may have or if there is a project that you need done and would want to contract it out, please consider us for the job.  We will take on projects for production design, misc. parts, whatever the need is we will take it on, and if you would like programs built for your company to help with the clutter then please let us know and we would like to take on that project as well to help reduce the design time.

Thank you,

Matthew Nichols
CAD Consulting llc


  1. Cool blog. I especially like the macros and diesel examples that you have shown. There doesn't seem to a lot of useful examples online but these are actually useful.
    Thanks and keep it up

    1. Thank you for your comment and for the encouragement. I have always wondered what people thought of the macros and everything.
      I appreciate you for commenting.
