Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Using Inventor iLogic to help estimating...

One thing that I have come to realize about Inventor and the iLogic programming is that there are many things that it can be used for.  One thing that I am working on developing with a company is an estimating program within inventor.  This program has a standard tube frame built in an assembly and you can select from many different tube sizes whether it be square or rectangular and then in an iLogic form that was created you can enter in the cost for the tubing sizes and it will automatically calculate, and then there are other fields to add in shop hours, drafting hours, and engineering hours, and it will give you a total for those specific items and it totals the amount of steel that is in the assembly and adds that to the total of the other fields to give you an estimated cost.
As seen below in this can see the layout of how to define the frame structure, and then below that form is another one that defines the cost and weight.

Plus, once you have the basic information input and then the model rebuilds then you have your base structure that you can export.

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