Engineering firms can make things complicated for Designers but having information stored all over the place where you can't find it or can't get to it. Maybe even company standards that aren't even followed because they haven't been blessed by an engineering manager or something to that extent. Creating a desktop program that would help centralize all the information needed by engineer or designer. For example...the company that I am working with currently...we are working to develop standardized pipe specifications for the company to operate by. Now, for each project that comes up a Project Engineer must select a pipe spec that suits the needs of the job without having to create a completely new spec; which would defeat the whole purpose of having standardized specs. So, one solution that was presented was to create a selection program for the P.M.'s to use; where they can go into the program and select from a couple of pulldowns that would narrow down the spec list to only the specs that applied to the selected criterium. Below is an example of the mentioned program. It is a still in the works, but will definitely be an asset to the p.m.'s and designers.
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